Brackmills Business Clinic - 8th December 2022

Brackmills Business Clinic

Brackmills Business Clinic


Costa Coffee, Number 1 Brackmills Trade Park, Caswell Road, Brackmills


Our monthly drop-in Brackmills Business Clinic events, open to all staff working on Brackmills.

No need to book. Simply turn up between 12noon and 2pm and chat to our Brackmills BID CEO Sara Homer and other key representatives from across the estate.

This is your chance to find out what is planned for the estate and to share your ideas and suggestions for Brackmills.

You might have events coming up that you would like the BID to support, or challenges you would like us to help you with.

The Brackmills Business Clinics are taking place at Costa Coffee on Caswell Road, Brackmills Industrial Estate, NN4 7PW.