Business of the Month - Meet Turbo Technics

1st Aug 2024
Turbo Technics

Turbo Technics, a world leader in all aspects of turbochargers and turbocharging, are one of the longest standing residents of the Brackmills Estate.

Here we talk to Founder and Managing Director Geoff Kershaw and newly promoted Operations Director Jodie Thompson about the history of their business, how life on the estate has changed and some exciting new developments for Turbo Technics.


How times have changed

Geoff: When I first moved onto the estate in 1982, there was hardly anyone else here. I could drive from home in Collingtree and be lucky if I passed three other cars on my way to work. We used to use the roads around the estate as our test track!

I moved the business to Brackmills after first founding it in Lincolnshire 18 months earlier. I’ve always had a passion for engineering; I built my first soap box kart at the age of seven and had my own lathe aged fifteen. A degree in engineering and an apprenticeship at Rolls Royce fuelled my passion further, before founding Turbo Technics 43 years ago. And at 80 years of age, I am still racing competitively…it’s in my blood.

Building on success

Geoff: Having had a couple of different sites on the estate since we arrived, we moved to our current building in 2000. We then constructed an extension in 2010, which included a clean-build area, a requirement for our work with the Jaguar Land Rover re-manufacturing programme. Our purpose-built facility allowed us to expand over the years and then, when the Covid pandemic hit, it gave us pause for thought.

We took the opportunity to take stock and think about what the future of Turbo Technics should look like. We re-evaluated our plans, re-shaped our teams and we are stronger as a result. In fact, at the end of 2023, we branched out by acquiring AVO Suspension. Recently rebranded as AVO Technics, they are now part of the Turbo Technics family and have settled in nicely with us here in Sketty Close.

                        Geoff and Jodie

Recruiting and nurturing skilled hands

Jodie: During Covid, we also saw an increase in turbo sales which was fantastic – I think people had more time on their hands and got round to those little car projects they’d always meant to do.

Of course, an increased demand in sales is a welcome thing, but it really shone a light on how hard it is to recruit in our industry. Engineering is not pushed in schools or by the Government as a career choice and as a result we have a serious skills gap in the UK.

Geoff: That is why I volunteer as part of the ‘Inspiring the Future’ scheme.  I go out to local schools and give talks about what we do in the hope that I can spark an interest in a career in engineering. We also offer apprenticeships and work placements for college and university students. In fact, two of our apprentices are still here five years later!

Jodie: Inspiring young people and being a good place to work is something we are passionate about. The longevity and retention of our workforce is testament to that; I joined in 2008 as a part-time admin assistant to fit in around family life. Over the years I moved into sales, then product management, became Commercial Lead and most recently I was promoted to Operations Director. And now my son works here too after completing an engineering course.

Looking back

Geoff: I remember life here before the BID…what a difference the BID has made. I don’t think people necessarily understand how much goes on behind the scenes in terms of maintenance, security, safety, cleanliness. There is a remarkable difference between Brackmills and other estates that don’t have a BID team taking care of the place. We certainly don’t take it for granted.
