Infrastructure improvements on Brackmills Industrial Estate

19th Apr 2023
Salthouse Road lighting

In the last 12 months this Northampton estate has invested in a host of road improvements on and around the estate.
At the bottom of Landimore Road, where the road had deteriorated and road patching was no longer a viable option, the BID paid for the road to be re-laid, with the work taking place over a weekend to minimise disruption. This is one of the busiest routes on the estate so investing in the infrastructure was essential to keep the estate moving.
To protect a series of underground power and communications cables, the BID reinforced a section of Caswell Road that had been compromised due to trucks repeatedly mounting parts of the curb. The BID invested in wire caging to protect the cables – meaning the road can continue to support heavy duty vehicles without a risk of disruption to the estate.
Winter Gritting
The BID funded 51 applications of gritting, to keep the estate moving and in business during cold and frosty times.
Voi Scooters
These electric powered scooters are proving extremely popular, enabling businesses and staff to get around safely and speedily. In 2022 alone, more than 96,000 rides were taken to and/or from Brackmills. August proved to be the most popular month for scooter usage, with 10,855 people hopping on to a Voi Scooter on Brackmills.
Salthouse Road is illuminated again – thanks to the determination and hard work of the estate’s team.
The lighting had been so poor that vehicles at night would often turn on their full beams when driving along it and pedestrians were reluctant to walk or cycle along it in hours of darkness.
It has taken time but the lights are now back on – increasing visibility at night and making it easier for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians to see where they are going.
Brackmills Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Paul Hurst said: “This lighting will help to reduce the risk of accidents and improve safety for everyone. Well-lit streets are less likely to be targeted by criminals, as they are more visible and less secluded.
“The improved street lighting will also help to increase surveillance and will deter potential offenders from operating in the area. An added bonus is that well-lit streets can encourage people to spend more time outside and to walk to work on the estate.
Read the Brackmills BID Annual Review 2023 HERE.