Congratulations to our BID CEO Sara Homer, who has been crowned Logistics Person of the Year in the Northamptonshire Logistics Awards.
Sara first joined the BID Board nearly 10 years ago, volunteering her time to help steer and shape Brackmills, to support logistics as well as other businesses on the estate. When she first joined the board Sara was the only female director and Sara was instrumental in changing this so there is now a truly diverse board representing the estate.
She played a pivotal role in securing the YES vote for BID status. This means Brackmills is now the largest industrial and logistics estate in Europe to have retained its status as a Business Improvement District (BID) for a third (five-year) term. This is huge in terms of putting Northamptonshire on the map, logistics in the UK on the map and boosting the profile of Brackmills businesses.
A huge congratulations to Sara. An award we are celebrating estate-wide.