The Brackmills BID ballot is now underway - please make sure you vote.
Brackmills BID Ballot Papers were despatched on Monday, 12th February 2024.
If you can't locate your ballot paper please check with the eligible party who is liable for your non-domestic rate (the rate payer). This person may be within your business, at your head office or off site such as your management agent.
If you have not received your ballot paper please apply for a replacement ballot paper and email [email protected].
The ballot will be conducted entirely by post by the Independent Scrutineer, Civica Election Services (CES) of 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW.
Ballot Papers must be returned to CES no later than 5pm on Wednesday, 13th March 2024.
Here are your questions answered
Q: Where has the ballot paper been sent?
A: It has been mailed to the non-domestic ratepayer listed on the Council’s database for each hereditament (business premise) in the BID area.
Q: Who can vote?
A: Each organisation entitled to vote in this ballot shall have one vote in respect of each hereditament occupied or (if unoccupied) owned by them in the geographical area of the proposed BID.
Q: What do I do if I lose my ballot paper?
A: Civica Electoral Services (CES) can provide a replacement request form - email [email protected] to request one.
Q: How do I appoint a Proxy?
A: Persons eligible to vote in the BID ballot may appoint someone else to vote on their behalf (for example, if they are going to be away at the time of the ballot). Email [email protected] or write to: Civica Election Services (CES) at The Independent Scrutineer, Civica Election Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW no later than 5pm on Sunday, 3rd March 2024.
Q: What do I do if I damage or spoil my ballot paper?
A: If you inadvertently spoil your ballot paper please return it to CES. On receipt of the spoilt ballot paper, CES will issue a replacement. No replacements can be issued if the spoilt ballot paper is received by CES later than three working days before the day of the ballot (13th March 2024).
Q: When will the ballot results be announced?
A: Ballot papers will be counted on Thursday, 14th March 2024, and the result of the ballot will be announced shortly after. For a BID ballot to be successful there must be a majority of those voting in favour of the proposal, and those voting in favour must represent a majority of the aggregate rateable value of the hereditaments voting.
Q: Are there any circumstances in which a vote won’t count?
A: If a ballot paper is duplicated and two are returned bearing the same number or barcode both will be void and not counted. Any ballot papers that are returned unsigned, unmarked or that are void for uncertainty will also be void and not counted. Please email [email protected] for anything to do with the ballot.
All the ballot and BID information is outlined in our BID Business Plan, BID Prospectus and BID Proposal. See https://brackmillsindustrialestate.co.uk/looking-ahead-2024-2029